I remember that when I was growing up I had a difficult time making decisions or choices. I now see the same thing in my daughter. There may be times in our lives when we struggle with making decisions, second guessing ourselves, or even ending with regret or remorse. Even though we may have difficulty with some decisions, others are crystal clear!
Throughout the journeys of our lives, we may face more choices than we could count. One choice, the choice to follow God, is a clear choice. There is only one true God. He only has one Son. The pathway to salvation that leads away from our sinful lives to everlasting life with God is through the life, death, and resurrection of God's Son, Jesus Christ. As we consider our life here and now and our life beyond the here and now, there is only one God that can love us, save us, and guide us. We don't have to make any choice other than to give our lives to His redemptive plans!
There is only one true God, so make the choice to follow Him!
Dear God-
Thank You for loving, saving, and guiding me. Help me to always follow Your one true plan for my life. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.