There are points in our lives when we feel like we can be pushed no further. We each arrive at these points in our lives at different times, in different ways, and for different reasons. I recently heard a story where the speaker said he drew a line when he was 5 years old. He decided he wanted a story different from the one his parents experienced.
When we look around us, at our lives and the situations of our communities, we may be compelled to draw a line in the sand. When drawing a line, we need to be sure our desires and actions align with those of God. As we talk to God and align ourselves with Him, then we can stand in strength and courage. We can know that we are standing with God, listening to His commandments and will for our lives, we can stand tall without fear, knowing He will always be with us!
Draw a line and stand strong in courage as God goes with you!
Dear God-
Thank You for being with me, for giving me strength and courage. Help me to always stand on Your side. Through Jesus I pray, amen.