There are many people with messages that they want us to hear. From advertisers to politicians, companies, groups, or their representatives try to stay "on message." While the "message" for groups on earth may change, there is one message that we should always hear and follow!
God has one consistent message for all of us. He calls us to receive forgiveness through His Son and then to follow Him. He calls us to share His love and allow others to find redemption in Him. As we journey through our lives, we should be aware of and strive to follow His message. We should not veer to the left or right, but instead stay on the path that He has shown us!
Follow God and stay on His message of love, forgiveness, and redemption!
Dear God-
Thank You for the message of love and forgiveness that changes lives. Help me to live my life so others can see Your power. Through Jesus I pray, amen.