In a recent conversation, a colleague was talking about different initiatives like a "random acts of kindness" week or month. Even though it is good to raise awareness of kindness, we shouldn't limit our thinking about kindness to a certain timeframe. We should work to move away from anger and being "mean" to getting along and being kind!
God shows us love and forgiveness. It is up to us to learn from God, to rely on His guidance, and to show others the same kindness, compassion, and forgiveness. With a faith in and commitment to God, we can learn to move beyond our anger and bitterness. We can then move toward His light and work to show His love and forgiveness. We can move from being mean toward love and kindness, not just for a moment but in all things!
Focus on God and allow Him to help you move toward being more kind and loving!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your love, forgiveness, and teaching. Help me to not be mean, but to always show love, kindness, and forgiveness. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.