When we are in a room full of people, we don't always know the stories or experiences of each person. Even if we know someone, we may not know all that they are dealing with in their past or present. We can try to be supportive, to be empathetic or sympathetic, but there is no way we can truly understand the complexity of life experiences for everyone.
Even though we cannot know or understand the experiences of those around us, we are blessed to have Jesus Christ as our Savior. He has experienced life on earth. He has known temptation and the pain of humanity. However, Christ was also without sin. Jesus Christ knows each of us and understands the challenges we face, which allows Him to sympathize with our weaknesses. He feels our pain and He offered His life to take away our sin. When we are searching for understanding, we can turn to Jesus Christ and follow His guidance!
Jesus knows and sympathizes with your weaknesses so He can lead you!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your Son, my Savior. Help me to always follow Your lead. Through Jesus I pray, amen.