Whether it is my daughter or my students, when someone makes a mistake I want them to view it as a learning experience. In order to learn and grow, we need to admit or acknowledge our shortcomings so we can work to improve them. The same is true for sin in our spiritual lives, but we also have God to help us overcome sin!
In order to grow closer to God, we need to acknowledge and admit that we sin. We need to confess our sins to Him. Acknowledging our sin is the first step, but, after that, we need to strive to live better lives. Even though we acknowledge our sin and try to live better lives, we still fall short of perfection. God knows that and He has prepared a path to forgiveness and redemption through the death and resurrection of His Son. Once we admit our sin, we need to accept this gift and continue to become closer to God with lives aligned to His plan!
Admit that you have sinned and then learn from your sin by accepting the gift of salvation!
Dear God-
Thank You for sending Jesus to die for my sins. Help me to admit when I sin and to ask for and accept the forgiveness You are ready to give. Through Jesus, my Savior, I pray, amen.