There are times in our lives when we think we can handle a situation, whether it is an easy task or a challenge that is in front of us. We try to figure things out, to find our way, or solve a problem. We rely on our wisdom to continue on through our journey of life. Isaiah (5:20-21) reminds us to "be careful!"
Things may work well in the short term, but we soon find that we are missing important pieces to the puzzle of our lives. These pieces can only be found in one place: God. God can help us see what is evil and what is good. He can help us see with His light in the darkness. His wisdom can sustain us and give us the guidance to know what to do in any situation.
The next time you find yourself trying to do too much on your own, be careful! Heed the warnings of Isaiah and turn to God for His wisdom and guidance.
Dear God-
Thank You for Your warnings for me. Help me to hear what Your word and guidance for me so that I can bring glory to You. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.