My daughter has a book that has a picture of a blobfish. The creature looks like a creation from a cartoon or movie. Like the blobfish, there are many things that are unbelievable. Like the blobfish, there are things that seem unbelievable until we see them with our own eyes.
We have never seen God, but that doesn't mean He doesn't exist. We can learn about Him and we can grow in our understanding of Him and His love for us. Even though we can't see God, we can have faith in Him. We can know His love and show His love. Whenever we love one another, we can see that God is in us. We can be faithful and loving and in the process allow others to see God's love through us!
Know God, be loving, and allow others to see God through you!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your constant love. Help me to show Your love so that others can see You. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.