Big sporting events like the Super Bowl can make a lot of people anxious as they cheer for their favorite in the game. The ups and downs of the game can be filled with excitement and disappointment. Life can be the same way. We can experience highs and lows that make us worried or anxious, but we don't need to be anxious. We just need to stay positive!
God gives us reason to be positive and confident. He tells us that we do not need to worry and that we need to trust in Him. No matter what we experience or how things turn out, we can know that God is in control and that He will use the outcome in our best interests. Whether we are facing things we think we can control or things that seem beyond or out of our control, God will help us. We don't have to worry or be anxious, we just have to have confidence in God and stay positive!
Don't be anxious, but call on God and stay positive in His love and power!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your guidance in my life. Help me not to worry but to trust in Your peace and direction. Through Jesus I pray, amen.