There is a lot of evil and trouble in the world. We can allow it to get us down or we can look for ways to help overcome evil. The best way to overcome trouble in our hearts is to turn to God, but this requires us to believe and trust!
We can and should turn to God at all times and for all things. When we feel overwhelmed by trouble in our lives and in our hearts, God is ready to help each of us. We can turn to God, but we also need to believe. Jesus reminds us of this. Without belief in God, our calls to Him are empty words. It is through our belief, our faith, that God hears us and quiets our troubled hearts. With belief in Him we can overcome troubles for all of eternity!
Believe in God, trust in Him, and allow Him to overcome the troubles in your heart!
Dear God-
Thank You for helping me to overcome the troubles in my heart. Help me to continue to believe and trust in You through whatever I may face. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.