Anthony Douglas Williams is quoted as saying, "Knowledge comes from learning. Wisdom comes from living." We all have unique experiences in our lives that form us and influence our actions. Some experiences educate us and give us knowledge. Other experiences provide wisdom and while this wisdom is valuable, we can find an even better source of wisdom!
God gives us experiences to teach us and to help us develop wisdom. We can grow as we move through our journey of life. However, when we face times that require a greater wisdom than we have or could hope to acquire, we can call on God. We can ask God to provide us with wisdom The wisdom that God shares with us will go beyond any earthly wisdom that we could ever hope to obtain. We will continue to build knowledge and wisdom through the events of our lives, but when we need a better wisdom, we can ask and be assured that God will provide!
For a better wisdom than earthly experience can give, call on and trust God to provide!
Dear God-
Thank You for being with me and for being willing to grant me wisdom. Help me to always call on You for Your wisdom and guidance. Through Jesus I pray, amen.