In a recent program on television, the main character struggled with being charitable. He wanted to do good, but he wanted to be anonymous. He felt that recognition would diminish the impact of his efforts. However, as he became involved in charity, he realized that being involved and recognized helped him both better understand those he was helping and appreciate the blessings in his life.
God blesses our lives more than we may sometimes realize. Even though we may feel we need to rush through our lives to accomplish everything we want or need to do, we should take time to appreciate and acknowledge all that God does in our lives. Beyond just recognizing God's goodness, we need to let Him know we appreciate His active presence in our lives. We need to praise Him and to say to Him, "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing."
Acknowledge God's blessings and let Him know you are thankful for His presence!
Dear God-
Thank You for being active in my life and for the blessings You provide. I praise Your name for all that I have and all that I am. Through Jesus I pray, amen.