There are many things we build in our lives. We build our houses, we build families and friendships, we build our reputation and legacies. As we think about building all of these things, we need to be sure they have a purpose and a foundation. As Warren Buffett has been quoted as saying, "Predicting rain doesn't count. Building arks does."
Whether building the physical, social, or spiritual things in our lives, we need to be sure we have included God in our planning and building. If we want the things we build to be lasting, we need to put our faith and trust in God. We need to seek and follow His will in our lives. As we allow God to build our lives, we can be sure that we will have a life that is everlasting. By building in God, we can have an eternal legacy!
Build an eternal life by allowing God to build you up!
Dear God-
Thank You for building my life. Help me to always follow Your will and to trust in Your construction of my life! In Jesus' name I pray, amen.