If we want to see a change in our physical bodies, we need to figure out or choose a plan that will work to build muscle. After choosing a plan, we have to commit to the work that it will take to reach our goals. Building our physical body is only one part of who we are. We also need to consider how we build our spiritual selves and how we contribute to building the body of Christ!
We are all a part of a larger whole. We are part of the body of Jesus Christ. Just as we need to plan for and commit to a plan to build our physical body, we need to seek God and commit to building the whole body of God's Church. We need to build ourselves as individuals and as part of the church. To do this, we need to be rooted in truth. God's truth has laid the foundation for us and our relationships with each other need to be built on this truth. We can help to build a stronger body within the Church when we build on truth!
Build a stronger body of Christ by building relationships on God's truth!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your Truth and for guiding me in it. Help me to build relationships on Your Truth and that strengthen the Church. Through Jesus I pray, amen.