The author of II Thessalonians reminds us to avoid having close friends or companions that do not live according to the Bible's teaching. Some people can be distractions from living a Godly life. The influence of some people or groups of people can cause us to be idle or disrupt our focus on the mission that God has prepared for each of us.
We shouldn't stop at evaluating the disruptions of those around us to God's mission. We also need to check ourselves. Before we can remove distractions from our lives, we must know ourselves. Before we can remove distractions from our lives, we must KNOW that we are active participant in God's plan for us and not idle or disruptive believers.
Once we know ourselves and have renewed our commitments to the missions that God has prepared for us, then we can become positive influences on all those around us. Once we are active and focused on God's mission, we can begin to ignite a passion for living for Christ in our fellow believers.
Remove idleness and distractions that you are holding too close to yourself. Check yourself so that you are certain that you know yourself and are committed to God's mission for you. Be an active believer, living your life as a spark for fellow believers!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your guidance in my life. Please help me to see the idleness and distractions that I am holding too close to me. Help me to honestly check myself so that I can avoid becoming idle. Allow me to be active in living for You and inspiring fellow believers. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.