There may be many things with which we disagree. The world is full of examples of behaviors, beliefs, and ideas that differ from our own. As we think about all that needs to be changed in the world, we can become overwhelmed, but as a colleague once reminded me, we need to choose our battles!
We cannot address everything that we see in the world, but we can control how we interact and react with what is happening around us. As we go out into the world each day, we need to begin with a prayer and a request that God go with us and guide us, then we must listen to Him! We may at times need to flee or disengage from certain situations, activities, or people in order to pursue the path that God has set before us! God can show us which battles to choose and which to walk away from!
Call on God and follow His direction when choosing your battles throughout life!
Dear God-
Thank You for guiding me. Please be with me each day and show me which battles to choose and the path that You have prepared for me. Through Jesus I pray, amen.