Today, Memorial Day, is a day when we pause to remember all the service men and women that lost their lives defending our country and our freedom. When we think of them, we recognize the tough roads they traveled and the difficult decisions they needed to make. We can pray that throughout their service, they had the comfort of God.
No matter how dark the world around us may seem, God can provide comfort. We may find comfort in little things, such as a game or a letter from a loved one. We can also find comfort in knowing that God has a plan for each of us and, if we accept the forgiveness offered through His Son, we can be comforted in knowing that we can be with God for all of eternity!
Be thankful for those that protect you and be comforted by God's eternal plan!
Dear God-
Thank You for all of those that have served to protect my freedom. Help all of us to be comforted in Your eternal plan for our lives. Through Jesus I pray, amen.