Roberto Clemente was committed to making the world a better place for all of those around him. He would open the doors of his home in Puerto Rico to complete strangers. He would take time to sign autographs. He was sincere with everyone he met. He worked to provide for his family and for future generations in Puerto Rico, Latin America, and the United States. Clemente lived a life of service and, tragically, died in an act of service attempting to deliver relief supplies to earthquake victims in Nicaragua on December 31, 1972 when the plane he was on crashed shortly after take off.
Our individual circles of influence will most likely not extend as far as that of Roberto Clemente. We may not have a local, state, or national stage to promote our ideas or champion our causes. We may not have as much money and influence as some others. We may not have as much free time as some people. However, we can make a difference!
The Bible tells us that God is the source of all comfort. It is because of God's compassion toward us and comforting of us that we can demonstrate compassion and comfort toward others. There are many chances that we have to comfort and show compassion. We can offer a compliment, words of encouragement, or consolation to those around us. We can write a note and mail it (e-mail it, post it, text it) to let someone know we care. We can pray for others. We can offer to help out shoveling snow, mowing grass, raking leaves, or other small jobs that a friend, neighbor, or family member is unable to accomplish on their own. We can pick up litter. We can organize a group to protect an area or improve poor conditions in our communities and in communities across the country and throughout the world! We can demonstrate comfort and compassion with our attitudes toward everyone we meet (even if we are having a bad day!).
Roberto Clemente once said, "If you have a chance to accomplish something that will make things better for people coming behind you, and you don't do that, you are wasting your time here on Earth." We can work to comfort those around us and "accomplish something" for those coming behind us because God is compassionate, loving, and the source of all comfort. Let us remember to comfort and to take the chances, big or small, to improve life for those around us now and for those coming behind us!
Dear God-
Thank you for comforting me through any troubled times I may face. I ask that you help me to show Your comfort and compassion to everyone I meet. May Your love, compassion, and comfort show through me for Your glory. In Jesus' name, Amen.