I'll admit that there are times when things don't go as planned and I get frustrated. There are different reasons that we can be frustrated by the unexpected or changes in plans. We can justify our frustrations, but we should also be thankful that God is patient with us when we go astray!
There isn't anything that God doesn't expect. There are times, though, when we are not as faithful to God as we should be. Through these times, God is patient with us because of His love and faithfulness. Even when we struggle and choose to go against His law, He will welcome us back to His family. We just have to be willing to confess our sin and then accept God's forgiveness. Through this confession and forgiveness, we can be made whole and be part of God's eternal family!
Confess your sin and accept the forgiveness that can only come from God!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your forgiveness and redemption in my life. Help me to know and follow Your will in my life. Through Jesus I pray, amen.