Philippians gives us a glimpse into handling all that life throws at us. We need to remember, much like the Mohegans, that life does have cycles of ups and downs, but we also need to remember where our strength comes from in order to live through each circumstance. In Philippians (4:13), Paul reminds us that in times of plenty or times of need, our strength comes from God. Only God can provide us with the stability, wisdom, and strength to manage our situation and continue to move forward for Him. We can make it through anything when we turn to and rely on God!
Don't let life get you too up or too down. Turn to God for the wisdom and strength to help you continue moving on in His glory!
Dear God-
Thank You for the strength to continue on and deal with anything I might face. Help me to always hear Your wisdom and feel Your strength, but especially when I need them most. Through Jesus I pray, amen.