There have been many recent occasions when I have heard someone remark that, "These are scary times." Different people are reacting to different situations that may involve society, finances, health, or other personal encounters and challenges. People of always faced "scary" or difficult times, but one constant in facing and overcoming fear is the presence of God!
When facing fear, we often think about courage and bravery. The source of courage or bravery can come through turning to and trusting in God. When we rely on Him, we can feel His power and love. We can know that we are supported in anything that we face. God is and will be with us through our earthly journey and throughout all of eternity. We don't have to find courage or bravery on our own. We can trust in God and receive courage and bravery through His power and presence in our lives!
When facing your fears, trust in God for courage and bravery to overcome your fears!
Dear God-
Thank You for the power You demonstrate in my life through Your presence. Help me to trust in You and overcome any fears that I may face. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.