Most of us probably want to be liked. We want to get along with others, but there are those that may push our buttons or challenge us. We need to be ready to respond in the appropriate ways, which may be different than how the world tells us we should respond. We need to be ready with love and prayer!
Jesus reminds us that we are called to love others, even our enemies. We are to continue to do good, even in the face of those that curse and mistreat us. We may feel that we cannot continue to do good, which is why God is standing by, supporting us. When we feel like turning to the ways of the world, we need to turn to God and His ways. By showing love and doing good, we can begin to overcome the evil that is around us!
In the face of mistreatment, turn to God and show your enemies love and good deeds!
Dear God-
Thank You for the love and support that You give me. Help me to always turn to You in order to show love and good deeds to those who mistreat me. Through Jesus I pray, amen.