There are warnings throughout the Bible with regard to speaking out against one another or gossiping. The warning in James 4:11-12 reminds us that gossiping and talking against each other goes against God's desire and law. It is not within our knowledge and power to judge others. When we begin speaking out against each other, especially in frustration and anger, we are taking the law into our own hands and trying to wrestle it away from God.
Instead of using our energy to wrestle with God in a battle we cannot win, we should talk to God and follow His plan for each of us. When we begin taking the law into our own hands and judging others, we tend to neglect the important task of being "doers" for God. The next time you are confronted with the urge to gossip or talk badly about someone, stop and ask yourself this question: "Who am I to judge this person?" Then turn the situation over to God and allow Him to guide you as a "doer" in love!
Dear God-
Thank You for giving me the Bible so that I can learn about You and Your will for me. Help me to remember to avoid gossip and talking badly about others and forgive me for the times that I do not control my words and my heart. Please help me to rely on Your guidance when I am faced with frustration or anger toward someone else. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.