There are circumstances when the answers don't seem to come when we want them. We ask for help and it seems slow in arriving. We work to advance our careers, but the promotions and pay raises are not as near as we had hoped. We try to build relationships with others, yet some seem to resist our kindness. We attempt to foster a close knit family, but we battle constant distractions that attempt to pull in different directions.
Ecclesiastes reminds us that whatever happens, God is in control. God does not give us more than we can handle and He doesn't always respond when we think He should or how we think He should respond. When life is happening and you feel things are not going your way, take a step back and talk to God. We have great hindsight and can often see God's purpose after the fact, but God sees all before it happens! Allow God to show you that you are part of His plan. Have faith that God is working to make each of us prosper.
Even though you are faced with situations when seconds seem like minutes, minutes like hours, hours like days, and days like months, God is working for your benefit! Be patient and take heart that everything happens at the right time and for God's reasons. When you witness God's plan for you take time to rejoice and praise Him!
Dear God-
Thank You for keeping my best interests near to You, even when I can't see what the future holds. Please help me to be patient, to wait for the right time, and to always trust in You. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.