How often does God ask us to go somewhere or do something for Him? How often does He place us in a position to stand up for what is right and to stand up for Him? What is our response when God calls us?
We may respond to God's call like Moses trying to convince God that he was not the right person for the job of standing up to Pharaoh. We may respond like Jonah, who tried to run away from God's call. We might tell God that now is not a good time, that we'll go later. We might say we're not prepared or the task is too big. We might just sit quietly instead of taking a stand or give up before we even try. In all of these responses, we're using the same excuse as my daughter. We're saying to God, "I'm scared!"
Just as my daughter finds out that the "I'm scared" excuse doesn't work, it doesn't work for us with God. God tells us that we shouldn't be scared. God is with us, whenever and wherever. With God, we have the power to overcome any challenge or evil we might face. God commands us to be strong and courageous. He reassures us that He will not give us more than we can handle with His guidance.
The next time you catch yourself saying "I'm scared" to God, remember that He commands you to be brave and to trust in Him. He can make you strong and courageous!
Dear God-
Thank You for always being there for me. Thank You for Your willingness to make me strong and courageous. Help me to trust in You so that I will always be ready to stand up for You. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.