Whether we set expectations for ourselves or have them set by others, we all have some expectations in our lives. We may be expected to follow our usual routine, to do our normal things around the house or at work, or to show up as usual. Sometimes we may not even think about our routines, but other times we can feel the pressures of expectations in our lives. Either way, we probably try to live up to our expectations!
As God's children and followers of Jesus Christ, we commit our lives to following God. When we are living for God, there are expectations. We may experience expectations from others that think we should behave in certain ways. We also have expectations from God. We are to ask for and accept forgiveness. We are to embrace God's love and share it with others. We are to live for God so that others can see His grace, mercy, power, and glory. When Jesus returns, we need to be able to give a true account of our lives that won't disappoint, but will show that we have done our best to live for God!
Live for God by following His will so you won't disappoint Him!
Dear God-
Thank You for accepting me as Your child. Help me to live so that others can see You and so that I will not disappoint when Jesus returns. Through Him I pray, amen.