Even though she is "always" hungry, we can tell when my daughter is going through a growth spurt. During these times she is hungry and eats everything. To grow in our spiritual lives, we may have growth spurts, too. We can get the energy for these through working for food that endures!
We work to provide our bodies with food, which we need, but we also know that earthly food will spoil. If we pursue earthly food for our spirits, that food will spoil as well. Chasing the riches of earth cannot provide eternal peace and happiness. The only food that nourishes our spirits for eternity is that provided through Jesus Christ. When we follow and learn from Jesus, we can feed our souls with food that leads to eternal life!
Don't let your soul go hungry, but find eternal nourishment through Jesus Christ!
Dear God-
Thank You for providing what I need both here on earth and for eternity. Help me to follow You and to be with You for eternity. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.