Life is full of ups and downs, highs and lows. We will experience a range of emotions that come from living in the world. While we may try to find happiness in the worldly sense, we cannot find happiness in things. One of my co-workers shared that her daughter is "paring down" this holiday season. She is not asking for more, but just one or two things that she needs. As we consider our "wish list," we need to remember that God already gives us all that we need!
It is true that having "things" doesn't mean we will be happy. More is not always better. God provides us with what we need. He celebrates with us in times of plenty and sustains us when we are in need. God wraps us in His love comforts us. God knows what we need both now and for eternity with Him. As we learn about and follow God, we know that we don't have to worry. We just have to have faith and be content in all of His blessings!
Don't worry, be content with all that God gives you!
Dear God-
Thank You for all of the blessings in my life. Help me to find contentment and comfort in what You have provided. Through Jesus I pray, amen.