Jesus is not only our friend, he is also royalty! Jesus is the Son of God, perfect in every way. Jesus sits with God in Heaven, yet Jesus was sent by God to live as a human - to experience temptation and understand our weaknesses.
Jesus temporarily left His seat next to God in order to experience a life similar to ours, so that we can be reassured that He understands what we face. Jesus dealt with "earthly siblings" and family dynamics. He had those who loved Him and those that did not like Him. Jesus faced those that called Him Lord and those that called Him crazy. He endured temptations. Jesus handled praises and criticism with grace.
In His short time on earth, Jesus experienced it all! No matter what we face, Jesus can empathize with us and speak on our behalf. Jesus can celebrate our triumphs with us and strengthen us in our times of need. He can take our joys and concerns directly to the throne of God!
Whether you are celebrating or calling out for help, hold onto your faith. Jesus understands! Approach God's throne with confidence and thankfulness for His grace and mercy.
Dear God-
Thank You for sending Your Son to experience life as a human, to reassure me of Your love and understanding. Thank You for sacrificing Your Son and raising Him from the dead so that He can bring all of my joys and concerns before You. Please help, me to share the good news of Your grace and mercy with others. In His name I pray, amen.