Tomorrow starts my 13th year of teaching public school students. As kids across the country are settling into school routines, they are experiencing a range of emotions from excitement to anxiety. No matter their feelings, one prayer for all students entering campuses, hallways, and classrooms is that they have teachers and peers that are humble, gentle, patient, and loving.
Having committed people around us and supporting us can make any endeavor easier. As teachers prepare to welcome their students on that exciting first day of school, we need to remember that there is another teacher waiting for each and every one of us. God is the Great Teacher. He is excitedly preparing a place for us. He prepares a pathway while we are on earth and He prepares an eternal place in Heaven. We do not have to enter His presence with anxiety, but we should be excited to embrace Him, His teachings, and His support as we are His children and students! He is humble, gentle, patient, and loving and He wants what is best for us!
Enter the presence of the God, our Teacher that is humble, gentle, patient, and loving!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your love and patience. Help me to show humility, gentleness, patience, and love to those around me so they can see You and Your teachings. Through Jesus I pray, amen.