There are certain times of the day when I get hungry and tempted to snack. During these times, I could choose healthy or unhealthy options, which will either be lasting or temporary. We may also experience temptations in our spiritual lives, choices that are either temporary or lasting!
In our lives, we should try to keep lies far from us. We shouldn't obsess over getting rich. Instead, we should focus on our "daily bread" that comes from God. Focusing on His Truth can keep away lies and falsehood. Communicating with God to know and follow His will can keep us from being distracted by worldly things. Reading God's Word and talking to God in prayer can fill us with the fruit of the Spirit and the living water that will be lasting. We can be fed by God's daily bread so we are filled or "fed up" and ready to live for Him!
Be fed by God's daily bread and living water so you are prepared for eternity!
Dear God-
Thank You for filling me with Your Holy Spirit. Help me to always follow You for eternity. Through Jesus I pray, amen.