There are people in our lives that challenge us in different ways. Some challenge us in ways that we immediately recognize as beneficial. Others challenge us in ways that may seem unpleasant at first. Ideally, we can find certain people that challenge us, support us, and help us to grow and become sharper!
God gives us people in our lives to challenge and sharpen us in different ways. We can grow physically, emotionally, and spiritually through interacting with people in our lives. We can ask God to provide us with people that will help us become sharper. As we become sharper, we need to be sure we are using our sharper, better selves to serve God as we help sharpen others that can serve His Kingdom!
Become sharper as you learn and grow from those God has placed around you!
Dear God-
Thank You for all those You place in my life that have helped me grow and become sharper. Help me to sharpen others as I serve You. Through Jesus I pray, amen.