Fortunately for each of us, the somber tone of the crucifixion is erased three days later with the joy of the resurrection! Without the resurrection, the death of Jesus on the cross would not have been newsworthy in the whole of human history. Jesus died and then rose from the dead so that we can live and find salvation through Him.
Jesus finished His time on Earth as a human. Now it is up to each of us to accept the gift of Jesus' sacrifice - forgiveness and eternal life. Jesus is not dead. His mission of redemption and salvation is not finished. He is alive in, around, and through us.
Take time to reflect on Jesus' sacrifice for you and your new life in Him!
Dear God-
Thank You for sending Your Son to die for my sins and raising Him again from the dead to conquer sin and death. Thank You for giving me new life through Him. Help me to remember His sacrifice today and everyday. Through Jesus I pray, amen.