As a teacher, I try to give clear directions for my students. Most students will follow directions, or at least try their best to follow them. However, there are usually some that will ignore the directions. Not following the directions can make the assignments harder than they need to be and can lead away from the desired learning. There are times in our lives when we ignore the directions, too, but we should always try to listen!
God is instructing us in His Truth, wisdom, and love. He has given us the directions to follow to receive redemption. When we choose to listen to God's direction, we can follow His straight path to righteousness. The directions to follow may not always be easy, but we will benefit if we follow them and learn the lessons that God has prepared. We will reach the end result of eternity with Him!
Follow the instructions that God has prepared for you!
Dear God-
Thank You for providing direction or instruction in my life. Help me to hear and follow the lessons that You have prepared. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.