I was recently recalling a lesson that took me a little while to learn - many times change must come from patience and working within a system. Trying to change attitudes and minds by "storming the city" from the outside can turn people off to what we are trying to do. However, we can work within our places of employment or social establishments as examples that can lead positive changes that reflect God's will!
Learning to be patient can be challenging. We may have to wait to see the results of our efforts. We have to learn to trust in God and in His will and His plan. We can pray for God to help us develop patience and self-control as He leads us. Through God's time and direction, we can help make positive change that reflects God's love and allows others to see His offer of forgiveness and redemption. We can be examples of God's power to change us from within as we work from within different places and groups to make changes for God!
Allow God to change you from within and then work to lead change from within the places we spend our time!
Dear God-
Thank You for the patience You have with me and for Your plans for my life. Help me to be patient and to have self-control as I lead changes for You. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.