in spite of the bad news we see and hear on a regular basis, there are often reminders that we need to have hope. The actions of people in the world may have self-centered motives, but there are also good forces at work. When working for good, we cannot get discouraged. We need to have faith!
As we face the realities around us, we may have times that we struggle to have faith. We are humans and we are susceptible to doubt. Whenever we begin to doubt or lose faith, we need to know where to turn to be restored and to rebuild our faith. Romans (10:17) reminds us that we can have faith by hearing. We can hear the word of Jesus Christ. We can hear direction for our lives from God. One source of hearing is to turn to the Bible. By reading God's Word, we can learn of God's power, glory, love, and active presence in our lives. As we hear God's Word and guidance in our lives, we can get faith!
Don't get discouraged. Get your faith strengthened by spending time reading God's Word!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your Word. Help me to hear You, to know You, and to have my faith strengthened through spending time in Your Word. Through Jesus I pray, amen.