-Mark 12:42-44 (NASB)
Needless to say, the teacher was upset and word soon spread about the missing socks. The next day a student that didn't have a pair of socks to spare brought a pair of socks to replace the missing ones. He had taken time and care to decorate the socks with stickers to make them special for the absent student. He wasn't looking for a reward or repayment. He wasn't giving because he had too many socks. He simply wanted to do something nice put of concern for a fellow student.
This brings to mind the story of the widow. While others had plenty and gave out of their extra, the widow gave all she had to give. She wasn't looking for an earthly reward, she was giving out of faith. When God calls on us to give, whether time, talents, or money, we need to give out of faith. No matter how small or insignificant our offerings may seem, even if it is a penny or pair of socks from our drawer, God can do great things with them!
God provides for you, respond in faith by giving back to God!
Dear God-
Thank You for all that You provide for me. Please use all of my offerings, whether time, talent, or money, to do great things in Your Kingdom. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.