There are commercials that say, "If you see something, say something!" It can be easy to see the problems around us and then "turn a blind eye" so we don't have to engage in what could be a "messy" situation. Whether we stay quiet because we are unsure of how to act or because we don't want or know how to get involved, we have the backing to act boldly!
God gives us the power to not be timid. Through God, we can find the strength to "say something." We can learn what and how to act through the people and resources that God provides. God prepares us, but we need to be willing to act. Whether through faith in God's plan or through the knowledge and wisdom He provides, we need to step our and go boldly spreading His love and Good News!
Trust in God and go boldly into the world for Him!
Dear God-
Thank You for providing me wisdom and power. Help me to be bold for the right reasons and in ways that spread Your love, grace, and mercy. Through Jesus I pray, amen.