Stepping our of our comfort zones can be intimidating. We may face tasks or situations where success seems impossible and failure is all too real. These tasks may seem bigger than what we can handle on our own, but that's okay! We don't have to face what we may seem impossible on our own!
God is always near and we can call on Him and trust that He will help. Even though we may think we face the impossible, nothing is impossible with God! God has the wisdom and power to overcome any of the challenges we face. We just need to be willing to call on and trust in God. When we are challenged to move out of our comfort zones, we can call on God, be sure that we are following His will, and then go for it knowing that God will make it all possible!
Get out of your comfort zone, call on God, follow His will, and go for it! He will make it possible!
Dear God-
Thank You for working with me and helping me overcome the challenges I face. Help me to always call on and trust in Your power and wisdom. Through Jesus I pray, amen.