As the end of the school year nears, my students were reflecting on goals that they had set for themselves at the beginning of the year. As they considered what they accomplished in their first year of high school, they were proud of some accomplishments and wished other things had gone differently. As we consider goals and how to reach them, we need to work toward success and learn from our failures!
We are not perfect and the goals we set may not always be realized. However, we have a better chance of reaching our goals if we stay focused on God's plans for our lives. While we may have many goals, we need to keep the goal of eternal life through faith in and forgiveness through Jesus Christ. When we put our faith and trust in God and then listen to and follow His plan, we have the help we need to reach our goals!
Listen to God, have faith in Jesus Christ, and allow Him to help you meet your goals!
Dear God-
Thank You for having a plan for my life. Help me to align my goals with Your goals and give me the guidance I need to meet them. Through Jesus I pray, amen.