Jeremiah uses a similar analogy (17:11) to remind us that we need to be just and loving in all we do. If we get ahead in this world by using others for our own, selfish reasons, then one day our "fortune" or gains will fall apart. We will look like a fool serving a false god or feeding an ego that cannot save us. Beware of the temptations to gain earthly glory through dishonest and unloving deeds.
Rely on God and do what is just as you work through His plan for you. The rewards that God will give you will be greater than any of the rewards that could be gained by dishonest or selfish actions!
Dear God-
Please guide me as I follow Your plan for me. Help me to know what You would have me do and then help me to listen and carry out Your will. Help me to build on You, the Rock, and not on dishonesty and selfish motives. Allow me to reach out to others in love. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.