When I was in high school, I was in the orchestra for several musical productions. In one musical, there was a song called, "You Gotta Have Heart!" Even when things don't seem to be going our way, we need to find ways to "have heart." Where can we find this heart and encouragement?
We know that God is in Heaven and He is active here on earth. When we need to "have heart," we just need to be sure that our heart is centered on God. We can be reassured that He is always with us. We can ask God to fill our hearts and then we can take heart in all of His promises and the blessings he provides for us each and every day!
You gotta take heart in God and all of His promises and blessings!
Dear God-
Thank You for filling my heart with Your love and grace. Help me to keep my heart centered on You so that I can always take heart in Your promises. Through Jesus I pray, amen.