-2 Corinthians 9:6-8 (NIV)
My grandmother always sowed a generous garden. She would also reap generously and have enough to share with family and neighbors. She didn't sow the garden because she had to, but because it was something that she enjoyed. She always had all she needed.
When we are gardening for God, we should follow the example set by my grandmother and sow generously, with a cheerful heart. Then, when we reap generously, we will have enough to share with those around us. We should give cheerfully in order to further God's kingdom. While we can give money to support the outreach of teaching God's truth, we shouldn't focus solely on money. We should also give of our time and talents. Our skills can be put to use within the body of Christ to result in a generous harvest!
Follow the advice of Paul and the example of my grandmother: Take the time to sow generously, cheerfully giving what you are able - be it money, time, or talents and skills. God will take what you have offered and the harvest will be beyond what you could have imagined!
Dear God-
Thank You for blessing me. Please show me how to sow generously in order to reap generously for You. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.