At some point in math class most people probably learn about greater than and less than. We may compare two groups of objects to see which has more or less before learning about the symbols and applying what we learned to numbers. In our learning, we looked at greater than and less than as being two opposite ideas, but that doesn't always have to be the case!
John the Baptist knew that Jesus was coming and that Jesus, the Son of God, would be greater than all other earthly people. We can follow this idea in our lives. In order for Jesus to become a greater part of our lives, we need to give control to Him. We cannot hang on to our desires to be in control, planning each moment, and guiding each action. Instead, we need to be less. However, becoming less in our lives isn't the same as less than in math class. When becoming less, we don't have to suffer or become insignificant. Jesus becomes a greater presence in our lives and we live a blessed life through Him and His Father. We can become less and still be greater than we ever could be on our own because Jesus is greater, too!
Allow yourself to have less control so Jesus can have more and become a greater part of your life!
Dear God-
Thank You for sending Your Son and for His presence in my life. Help me to allow You to have control and to lead me toward the blessings that You have prepared for me in this life and beyond. Through Jesus I pray, amen.