Whether it is in our jobs, family lives, or living in general, we don't know what the future will hold, but we can be hopeful because of we have power in our faith! Jesus reminds us that even a little bit of faith can move mountains or change the environment in which we live or work. We may not need to move a mountain into the sea, but we may need to change other circumstances in our lives. We can get to know God and His power, but we can also approach God through prayer. With faith and prayerful requests, we can be sure that God hears us and that in our faithfulness we will experience His power in our lives!
Whether moving mountains or improving circumstances in your life, have faith in God and ask for His assistance!
Dear God-
Thank You for being a part of my life. When I begin to be overwhelmed, help me to remember to have faith and to ask for Your help in "moving mountains!" Through Jesus I pray, amen.