At some point in time, all of our lives have likely been touched by illness. We see the effects of different diseases and we may support even support causes and events that search for treatments and cures. It is good to take care of our bodies, but we also need to be sure we are taking care of our spiritual needs.
Sin is a disease that is in our lives and, like other illnesses, it can lead to death. We cannot "recover" from sin without treatments. God knows that we need to be healed. The Good News is that Jesus came and took on our sin so we can be healed. God has already provided the way for us to be made whole. It is now up to us to accept the forgiveness and redemption through Jesus so we can be spiritually healed!
God sent Jesus to provide the treatment for your sin so you can be healed!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your Son and for the forgiveness provided through Him. Help me to accept Your gift so I can be healed and made whole. Through Him I pray, amen.