My daughter likes to ask, "Then what?" She likes to have a plan or know what is coming next. Many of us may be the same way. We may like to plan where we will be tomorrow, next year, and even five or ten years from now. We can plan, but, ultimately, these things may be beyond our control!
As humans, most of us like to have plans and to try to avoid uncertainty. Even though we try to account for different scenarios, our knowledge is limited. Our plans are incomplete without God's knowledge, wisdom, and guidance! God has a path for us to follow. It is only through Him that we can take steps that lead us to success, contentment, and peace. It is through aligning our hearts with God's steps that we will fully experience life.
Make sure your heart is aligned with God's steps in your life!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your wisdom and guidance. Help me to align my heart and plans with Your will and steps for my life. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.