The role of government in our lives is something that may be hotly debated. Different views seek to either limit or expand the role of judges, lawmakers, and other rulers. As we often see, our earthly rulers are human and suffer from the flaws of being human. Even so, we know that we need guidelines or laws. Where do we turn for discipline in our lives?
The Lord is different from the earthly rulers that we experience. He is not bound by earthly limitations. He is Holy. He cares for us and has the power to save us. As we learn about Him and His laws, we learn that we need to trust in His wisdom and power. The Lord has plans for our lives. He is our judge, our lawgiver, and our King, but He is not looking to hold us down. He is looking to lift us up through providing the discipline and guidance that we need in our lives. He will save us as long as we choose to follow Him!
Follow the Lord as judge, lawgiver, and King, so He can lift you up and save you!
Dear God-
Thank You for saving me. Help me to always listen to and follow You. Through Jesus I pray, amen.