Waiting can be difficult, just ask a 7 year old waiting for her grandparents to arrive. We would check in throughout the day and then best try to estimate the arrival time. Not knowing and anticipation can be hard at any age and in different circumstances, but we have to learn patience and we need to let go of controlling every moment!
We know that when we strive to follow God's will, we have Him on our side. We can also be assured that all things are possible through Him. However, we may still try to control the situation or wish for an outcome. We don't have to be, and often can't be, in control of every situation. We need to learn to take things to God through prayer and then let God take control. We need to be patient and wait on Him. He will fight for us if we just wait and allow Him to!
Call on God and wait for Him to support you and fight for you!
Dear God-
Thank You for Your promises. Help me to be patient and to wait on You, knowing that You will fight for me. Through Jesus I pray, amen.