The administrators at my school recently asked the teachers to consider the "why" or reason behind what we do as teachers. They wanted us to consider those factors that really motivate us, not just the content or curriculum. I believe many teachers consider their lasting impacts on students as one piece of motivation that drives them to endure the daily challenges. We hope to make a difference in the lives of our students that can positively impact their directions in life.
Even if we aren't teachers, we may feel empowered by making a difference in the world through a variety of ways. We can try our hardest to make a difference in life, but the things of this world are bound to pass away. If we really want to make a lasting impact, we need to look to God. It is only through following His will that we can make impacts that last. When we follow God and allow others to see and follow Him, then we can expand these impacts beyond our lives as we allow God to build His Kingdom through each of us!
Make a lasting, eternal impact by following God's will!
Dear God-
Thank You for showing me Your will in my life. Help me to not lose sight of it, but to follow You for eternity. Through Jesus I pray, amen.